Instrument S/N: 10614 Frequency: 1228800 HZ Configuration: 4 BEAM, JANUS Beam Angle: 20 DEGREES Beam Pattern: CONVEX Orientation: DOWN Sensor(s): HEADING TILT 1 TILT 2 TEMPERATURE Temp Sens Offset: -0.13 degrees C CPU Firmware: 10.16 [0] Boot Code Ver: Required: 1.13 Actual: 1.13 DEMOD #1 Ver: ad48, Type: 1f DEMOD #2 Ver: ad48, Type: 1f PWRTIMG Ver: 85d3, Type: 7 Board Serial Number Data: C5 00 00 00 D9 B8 80 09 PIO727-3008-02C 94 00 00 05 29 C7 A8 09 CPU727-2000-00J 93 00 00 00 D9 AB DD 09 REC727-1000-02E A9 00 00 00 D9 95 2F 09 DSP727-2001-02G >ps3 Beam Width: 3.7 degrees Beam Elevation Azimuth 1 -69.92 269.77 2 -70.03 89.77 3 -70.02 0.22 4 -70.01 180.22 Beam Directional Matrix (Down): 0.3432 0.0014 0.9392 0.2413 -0.3414 -0.0013 0.9399 0.2426 -0.0014 -0.3418 0.9398 -0.2419 0.0013 0.3420 0.9397 -0.2418 Instrument Transformation Matrix (Down): Q14: 1.4628 -1.4584 0.0041 -0.0075 23967 -23894 67 -123 -0.0060 0.0056 -1.4623 1.4628 -98 91 -23958 23966 0.2653 0.2667 0.2662 0.2660 4347 4370 4361 4358 1.0308 1.0364 -1.0337 -1.0331 16889 16980 -16936 -16926 Beam Angle Corrections Are Loaded. >pa PRE-DEPLOYMENT TESTS CPU TESTS: RTC......................................PASS RAM......................................PASS ROM......................................PASS RECORDER TESTS: PC Card #0...............................NOT DETECTED PC Card #1...............................NOT DETECTED DSP TESTS: Timing RAM...............................PASS Demod RAM...............................PASS Demod REG...............................PASS FIFOs....................................PASS SYSTEM TESTS: XILINX Interrupts... IRQ3 IRQ3 IRQ3 ...PASS Wide Bandwidth...........................PASS Narrow Bandwidth.........................PASS RSSI Filter..............................PASS Transmit.................................PASS SENSOR TESTS: H/W Operation............................PASS >pc1 BEAM CONTINUITY TEST When prompted to do so, vigorously rub the selected beam's face. If a beam does not PASS the test, send any character to the ADCP to automatically select the next beam. Collecting Statistical Data... 48 51 48 49 Rub Beam 1 = PASS Rub Beam 2 = PASS Rub Beam 3 = PASS Rub Beam 4 = PASS >pc2 Press any key to quit sensor display ... Heading Pitch Roll Up/Down Attitude Temp Ambient Temp PRESSURE 74.83ø 6.04ø 2.66ø Down 29.08øC 31.86øC 0.0 kPa >ax ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RDI Compass Error Estimating Algorithm Press any key to start taking data after the instrument is setup. Rotate the unit in a plane until all data samples are acquired... rotate less than 5ø/sec. Press Q to quit. N NE E SE S SW W NW N ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ **************>********************************************************* Calculating compass performance ... >>> Total error: 0.3ø <<< Press D for details or any other key to continue...