=[(ID DatabaseName Owner Name DatasetTypeXml91z[Kt#j x1y#͂/_V ~R-Pc#‹P&JN1_RGB5 {5C6CBC20-ACB5-41D8-8CFA-F722AD037026}2011072811294000TRUE 5Imagens {A198F239-F6CA-40B5-8FE0-5F8EBC734AB7}2011072813552500TRUECreateRasterDataset N:\10.1283\08_Geodatabase\BDG_Imagens_PACUERA.gdb Imagens # 8_BIT_UNSIGNED # 3 # "PYRAMIDS -1 NEAREST" "128 128" LZ77 # N:\10.1283\08_Geodatabase\BDG_Imagens_PACUERA.gdb\Imagens u72381 19997964,2358316" N:\10.1283\08_Geodatabase\BDG_Imagens_PACUERA.gdb\Imagrens Mosaico_QuickBird_3m {4A6C6E1D-4944-4A93-BB2F-67D9941CC9C0}2011072814495400TRUE me>112519002011072811251900Microsoft Windows Vista Version 6.1 (Build 7600) ; ESRI ArcCatalog A brief narrative summary of the data set.REQUIRED: A summary of the intentions with which the data set was developed.REQUIRED: The name of an organization or individual that developed the data set.REQUIRED: The date when the data set is published or otherwise made available for release.N1_RGB3N1_RGB3Fgdb raster digital data\\tetradc02\Bases_Projetos_2$\10.1283\08_Geodatabase\BDG_Imagens_PACUERA.gdbREQUIRED: The basis on which the time period of content information is determined.REQUIRED: The year (and optionally month, or month and day) for which the data set corresponds to the ground.REQUIRED: The state of the data set.REQUIRED: The frequency with which changes and additions are made to the data set after the initial data set is completed.-64.711905-63.956464-8.864460-9.525342312088.109000394828.1090008946917.4350009019697.435000REQUIRED: Reference to a formally registered thesaurus or a similar authoritative source of theme keywords.REQUIRED: Common-use word or phrase used to describe the subject of the data set.REQUIRED: Restrictions and legal prerequisites for accessing the data set.REQUIRED: Restrictions and legal prerequisites for using the data set after access is granted.File Geodatabase Raster DatasetMicrosoft Windows Vista Version 6.1 (Build 7600) ; ESRI ArcCatalog Content Standards for Digital Geospatial MetadataFGDC-STD-001-1998local timehttp://www.esri.com/metadata/esriprof80.htmlESRI Metadata ProfileREQUIRED: The person responsible for the metadata information.REQUIRED: The organization responsible for the metadata information.REQUIRED: The mailing and/or physical address for the organization or individual.REQUIRED: The city of the address.REQUIRED: The state or province of the address.REQUIRED: The ZIP or other postal code of the address.REQUIRED: The telephone number by which individuals can speak to the organization or individual.20110728ISO 19115 Geographic Information - MetadataDIS_ESRI1.0datasetDownloadable Data002file://\\tetradc02\Bases_Projetos_2$\10.1283\08_Geodatabase\BDG_Imagens_PACUERA.gdbLocal Area NetworkFile Geodatabase Raster DatasetRasterPixel4852551615,00000015,00000081Upper LeftFALSELZ773pixel codesFGDBRTRUEGCS_South_American_1969SAD_1969_UTM_Zone_20STransverse Mercator0.999600-63.0000000.000000500000.00000010000000.000000row and columnmeters15,00000015,000000D_South_American_1969GRS_1967_Truncated6378160.000000298.250000SAD_1969_UTM_Zone_20S20110728 RN1_RGB19 {FF121B97-AC8A-44A5-A184-DE3FE7BD2E68}2011072811203000FALSE20110728112030002011072811203000CopyRaster "N:\10.1283\04_Originais\PARA IBAMA\Imagens_Satelite_ASTER\23N1_RGB1.tif" N:\10.1283\08_Geodatabase\BDG_Imagens_PACUERA.gdb\N1_RGB1 # # # NONE NONE #Microsoft Windows Vista Version 6.1 (Build 7600) ; ESRI ArcCatalog A brief narrative summary of the data set.REQUIRED: A summary of the intentions with which the data set was developed.REQUIRED: The name of an organization or individual that developed the data set.REQUIRED: The date when the data set is published or otherwise made available for release.N1_RGB1N1_RGB1Fgdb raster digital data\\tetradc02\Bases_Projetos_2$\10.1283\08_Geodatabase\BDG_Imagens_PACUERA.gdbREQUIRED: The basis on which the time period of content information is determined.REQUIRED: The year (and optionally month, or month and day) for which the data set corresponds to the ground.REQUIRED: The state of the data set.REQUIRED: The frequency with which changes and additions are made to the data set after the initial data set is completed.-64.894510-64.137338-8.611722-9.275304291887.819000374852.8190008974506.6250009047556.625000REQUIRED: Reference to a formally registered thesaurus or a similar authoritative source of theme keywords.REQUIRED: Common-use word or phrase used to describe the subject of the data set.REQUIRED: Restrictions and legal prerequisites for accessing the data set.REQUIRED: Restrictions and legal prerequisites for using the data set after access is granted.File Geodatabase Raster DatasetMicrosoft Windows Vista Version 6.1 (Build 7600) ; ESRI ArcCatalog Content Standards for Digital Geospatial MetadataFGDC-STD-001-1998local timehttp://www.esri.com/metadata/esriprof80.htmlESRI Metadata ProfileREQUIRED: The person responsible for the metadata information.REQUIRED: The organization responsible for the metadata information.REQUIRED: The mailing and/or physical address for the organization or individual.REQUIRED: The city of the address.REQUIRED: The state or province of the address.REQUIRED: The ZIP or other postal code of the address.REQUIRED: The telephone number by which individuals can speak to the organization or individual.20110728ISO 19115 Geographic Information - MetadataDIS_ESRI1.0datasetDownloadable Data002file://\\tetradc02\Bases_Projetos_2$\10.1283\08_Geodatabase\BDG_Imagens_PACUERA.gdbLocal Area NetworkFile Geodatabase Raster DatasetRasterPixel4870553115,00000015,00000081Upper LeftFALSELZ773pixel codesFGDBRTRUEGCS_South_American_1969SAD_1969_UTM_Zone_20STransverse Mercator0.999600-63.0000000.000000500000.00000010000000.000000row and columnmeters15,00000015,000000D_South_American_1969GRS_1967_Truncated6378160.000000298.250000SAD_1969_UTM_Zone_20S20110728 TMosaico_QuickBird_3m7 {4A6C6E1D-4944-4A93-BB2F-67D9941CC9C0}2011072814495400FALSE20110728144954002011072814495400Microsoft Windows XP Version 5.1 (Build 2600) Service Pack 3; ESRI ArcCatalog A brief narrative summary of the data set.REQUIRED: A summary of the intentions with which the data set was developed.REQUIRED: The name of an organization or individual that developed the data set.REQUIRED: The date when the data set is published or otherwise made available for release.Mosaico_QuickBird_3mMosaico_QuickBird_3mFgdb raster digital data\\tetradc02\Bases_Projetos_2$\10.1283\08_Geodatabase\BDG_Imagens_PACUERA.gdbREQUIRED: The basis on which the time period of content information is determined.REQUIRED: The year (and optionally month, or month and day) for which the data set corresponds to the ground.REQUIRED: The state of the data set.REQUIRED: The frequency with which changes and additions are made to the data set after the initial data set is completed.-64.735153-62.849890-7.973405-9.529140309537.548441516474.5484418946646.7565109118243.756510REQUIRED: Reference to a formally registered thesaurus or a similar authoritative source of theme keywords.REQUIRED: Common-use word or phrase used to describe the subject of the data set.REQUIRED: Restrictions and legal prerequisites for accessing the data set.REQUIRED: Restrictions and legal prerequisites for using the data set after access is granted.File Geodatabase Raster DatasetMicrosoft Windows XP Version 5.1 (Build 2600) Service Pack 3; ESRI ArcCatalog Content Standards for Digital Geospatial MetadataFGDC-STD-001-1998local timehttp://www.esri.com/metadata/esriprof80.htmlESRI Metadata ProfileREQUIRED: The person responsible for the metadata information.REQUIRED: The organization responsible for the metadata information.REQUIRED: The mailing and/or physical address for the organization or individual.REQUIRED: The city of the address.REQUIRED: The state or province of the address.REQUIRED: The ZIP or other postal code of the address.REQUIRED: The telephone number by which individuals can speak to the organization or individual.20110728ISO 19115 Geographic Information - MetadataDIS_ESRI1.0datasetDownloadable Data002file://\\tetradc02\Bases_Projetos_2$\10.1283\08_Geodatabase\BDG_Imagens_PACUERA.gdbLocal Area NetworkFile Geodatabase Raster DatasetRasterPixel57199689793,0000003,00000081Upper LeftFALSELZ773pixel codesFGDBRTRUEGCS_WGS_1984WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_20SUniversal Transverse Mercator-200.999600-63.0000000.000000500000.00000010000000.000000row and columnmeters3,0000003,000000D_WGS_1984WGS_19846378137.000000298.257224WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_20S20110728 xis>298.250000SAD_1969_UTM_Zone_20S20110728 RN1_RGB39 {371A1AED-BC56-4EE7-A98F-5634511C475A}2011072811251900FALSE20110728112519002011072811251900CopyRaster "N:\10.1283\04_Originais\PARA IBAMA\Imagens_Satelite_ASTER\23N1_RGB3.tif" N:\10.1283\08_Geodatabase\BDG_Imagens_PACUERA.gdb\N1_RGB3 # # # NONE NONE #Microsoft Windows Vista Version 6.1 (Build 7600) ; ESRI ArcCatalog A brief narrative summary of the data set.REQUIRED: A summary of the intentions with which the data set was developed.REQUIRED: The name of an organization or individual that developed the data set.REQUIRED: The date when the data set is published or otherwise made available for release.N1_RGB3N1_RGB3Fgdb raster digital data\\tetradc02\Bases_Projetos_2$\10.1283\08_Geodatabase\BDG_Imagens_PACUERA.gdbREQUIRED: The basis on which the time period of content information is determined.REQUIRED: The year (and optionally month, or month and day) for which the data set corresponds to the ground.REQUIRED: The state of the data set.REQUIRED: The frequency with which changes and additions are made to the data set after the initial data set is completed.-64.711905-63.956464-8.864460-9.525342312088.109000394828.1090008946917.4350009019697.435000REQUIRED: Reference to a formally registered thesaurus or a similar authoritative source of theme keywords.REQUIRED: Common-use word or phrase used to describe the subject of the data set.REQUIRED: Restrictions and legal prerequisites for accessing the data set.REQUIRED: Restrictions and legal prerequisites for using the data set after access is granted.File Geodatabase Raster DatasetMicrosoft Windows Vista Version 6.1 (Build 7600) ; ESRI ArcCatalog Content Standards for Digital Geospatial MetadataFGDC-STD-001-1998local timehttp://www.esri.com/metadata/esriprof80.htmlESRI Metadata ProfileREQUIRED: The person responsible for the metadata information.REQUIRED: The organization responsible for the metadata information.REQUIRED: The mailing and/or physical address for the organization or individual.REQUIRED: The city of the address.REQUIRED: The state or province of the address.REQUIRED: The ZIP or other postal code of the address.REQUIRED: The telephone number by which individuals can speak to the organization or individual.20110728ISO 19115 Geographic Information - MetadataDIS_ESRI1.0datasetDownloadable Data002file://\\tetradc02\Bases_Projetos_2$\10.1283\08_Geodatabase\BDG_Imagens_PACUERA.gdbLocal Area NetworkFile Geodatabase Raster DatasetRasterPixel4852551615,00000015,00000081Upper LeftFALSELZ773pixel codesFGDBRTRUEGCS_South_American_1969SAD_1969_UTM_Zone_20STransverse Mercator0.999600-63.0000000.000000500000.00000010000000.000000row and columnmeters15,00000015,000000D_South_American_1969GRS_1967_Truncated6378160.000000298.250000SAD_1969_UTM_Zone_20S20110728 N1_RGB56 {5C6CBC20-ACB5-41D8-8CFA-F722AD037026}2011072811294000FALSE20110728112940002011072811294000Microsoft Windows Vista Version 6.1 (Build 7600) ; ESRI ArcCatalog A brief narrative summary of the data set.REQUIRED: A summary of the intentions with which the data set was developed.REQUIRED: The name of an organization or individual that developed the data set.REQUIRED: The date when the data set is published or otherwise made available for release.N1_RGB5N1_RGB5Fgdb raster digital data\\tetradc02\Bases_Projetos_2$\10.1283\08_Geodatabase\BDG_Imagens_PACUERA.gdbREQUIRED: The basis on which the time period of content information is determined.REQUIRED: The year (and optionally month, or month and day) for which the data set corresponds to the ground.REQUIRED: The state of the data set.REQUIRED: The frequency with which changes and additions are made to the data set after the initial data set is completed.-65.011996-64.253479-9.146482-9.810306279321.329000362271.3290008915299.6790008988334.679000REQUIRED: Reference to a formally registered thesaurus or a similar authoritative source of theme keywords.REQUIRED: Common-use word or phrase used to describe the subject of the data set.REQUIRED: Restrictions and legal prerequisites for accessing the data set.REQUIRED: Restrictions and legal prerequisites for using the data set after access is granted.File Geodatabase Raster DatasetMicrosoft Windows Vista Version 6.1 (Build 7600) ; ESRI ArcCatalog Content Standards for Digital Geospatial MetadataFGDC-STD-001-1998local timehttp://www.esri.com/metadata/esriprof80.htmlESRI Metadata ProfileREQUIRED: The person responsible for the metadata information.REQUIRED: The organization responsible for the metadata information.REQUIRED: The mailing and/or physical address for the organization or individual.REQUIRED: The city of the address.REQUIRED: The state or province of the address.REQUIRED: The ZIP or other postal code of the address.REQUIRED: The telephone number by which individuals can speak to the organization or individual.20110728ISO 19115 Geographic Information - MetadataDIS_ESRI1.0datasetDownloadable Data002file://\\tetradc02\Bases_Projetos_2$\10.1283\08_Geodatabase\BDG_Imagens_PACUERA.gdbLocal Area NetworkFile Geodatabase Raster DatasetRasterPixel4869553015,00000015,00000081Upper LeftFALSELZ773pixel codesFGDBRTRUEGCS_South_American_1969SAD_1969_UTM_Zone_20STransverse Mercator0.999600-63.0000000.000000500000.00000010000000.000000row and columnmeters15,00000015,000000D_South_American_1969GRS_1967_Truncated6378160.000000298.250000SAD_1969_UTM_Zone_20S20110728 QN1_RGB49 {A50482C3-E4C9-47D0-8952-6A310AC2A56B}2011072811272900FALSE20110728112729002011072811272900CopyRaster "N:\10.1283\04_Originais\PARA IBAMA\Imagens_Satelite_ASTER\23N1_RGB4.tif" N:\10.1283\08_Geodatabase\BDG_Imagens_PACUERA.gdb\N1_RGB4 # # # NONE NONE #Microsoft Windows Vista Version 6.1 (Build 7600) ; ESRI ArcCatalog A brief narrative summary of the data set.REQUIRED: A summary of the intentions with which the data set was developed.REQUIRED: The name of an organization or individual that developed the data set.REQUIRED: The date when the data set is published or otherwise made available for release.N1_RGB4N1_RGB4Fgdb raster digital data\\tetradc02\Bases_Projetos_2$\10.1283\08_Geodatabase\BDG_Imagens_PACUERA.gdbREQUIRED: The basis on which the time period of content information is determined.REQUIRED: The year (and optionally month, or month and day) for which the data set corresponds to the ground.REQUIRED: The state of the data set.REQUIRED: The frequency with which changes and additions are made to the data set after the initial data set is completed.-64.428757-63.672129-8.680594-9.343364343093.443000426058.4430008967112.0460009040162.046000REQUIRED: Reference to a formally registered thesaurus or a similar authoritative source of theme keywords.REQUIRED: Common-use word or phrase used to describe the subject of the data set.REQUIRED: Restrictions and legal prerequisites for accessing the data set.REQUIRED: Restrictions and legal prerequisites for using the data set after access is granted.File Geodatabase Raster DatasetMicrosoft Windows Vista Version 6.1 (Build 7600) ; ESRI ArcCatalog Content Standards for Digital Geospatial MetadataFGDC-STD-001-1998local timehttp://www.esri.com/metadata/esriprof80.htmlESRI Metadata ProfileREQUIRED: The person responsible for the metadata information.REQUIRED: The organization responsible for the metadata information.REQUIRED: The mailing and/or physical address for the organization or individual.REQUIRED: The city of the address.REQUIRED: The state or province of the address.REQUIRED: The ZIP or other postal code of the address.REQUIRED: The telephone number by which individuals can speak to the organization or individual.20110728ISO 19115 Geographic Information - MetadataDIS_ESRI1.0datasetDownloadable Data002file://\\tetradc02\Bases_Projetos_2$\10.1283\08_Geodatabase\BDG_Imagens_PACUERA.gdbLocal Area NetworkFile Geodatabase Raster DatasetRasterPixel4870553115,00000015,00000081Upper LeftFALSELZ773pixel codesFGDBRTRUEGCS_South_American_1969SAD_1969_UTM_Zone_20STransverse Mercator0.999600-63.0000000.000000500000.00000010000000.000000row and columnmeters15,00000015,000000D_South_American_1969GRS_1967_Truncated6378160.000000298.250000SAD_1969_UTM_Zone_20S20110728 GAster_23N1_5_20069 {5C6CBC20-ACB5-41D8-8CFA-F722AD037026}2011072811294000FALSE20110728112940002011072811294000CopyRaster "N:\10.1283\04_Originais\PARA IBAMA\Imagens_Satelite_ASTER\23N1_RGB5.tif" N:\10.1283\08_Geodatabase\BDG_Imagens_PACUERA.gdb\N1_RGB5 # # # NONE NONE #Microsoft Windows Vista Version 6.1 (Build 7600) ; ESRI ArcCatalog A brief narrative summary of the data set.REQUIRED: A summary of the intentions with which the data set was developed.REQUIRED: The name of an organization or individual that developed the data set.REQUIRED: The date when the data set is published or otherwise made available for release.N1_RGB5N1_RGB5Fgdb raster digital data\\tetradc02\Bases_Projetos_2$\10.1283\08_Geodatabase\BDG_Imagens_PACUERA.gdbREQUIRED: The basis on which the time period of content information is determined.REQUIRED: The year (and optionally month, or month and day) for which the data set corresponds to the ground.REQUIRED: The state of the data set.REQUIRED: The frequency with which changes and additions are made to the data set after the initial data set is completed.-65.011996-64.253479-9.146482-9.810306279321.329000362271.3290008915299.6790008988334.679000REQUIRED: Reference to a formally registered thesaurus or a similar authoritative source of theme keywords.REQUIRED: Common-use word or phrase used to describe the subject of the data set.REQUIRED: Restrictions and legal prerequisites for accessing the data set.REQUIRED: Restrictions and legal prerequisites for using the data set after access is granted.File Geodatabase Raster DatasetMicrosoft Windows Vista Version 6.1 (Build 7600) ; ESRI ArcCatalog Content Standards for Digital Geospatial MetadataFGDC-STD-001-1998local timehttp://www.esri.com/metadata/esriprof80.htmlESRI Metadata ProfileREQUIRED: The person responsible for the metadata information.REQUIRED: The organization responsible for the metadata information.REQUIRED: The mailing and/or physical address for the organization or individual.REQUIRED: The city of the address.REQUIRED: The state or province of the address.REQUIRED: The ZIP or other postal code of the address.REQUIRED: The telephone number by which individuals can speak to the organization or individual.20110728ISO 19115 Geographic Information - MetadataDIS_ESRI1.0datasetDownloadable Data002file://\\tetradc02\Bases_Projetos_2$\10.1283\08_Geodatabase\BDG_Imagens_PACUERA.gdbLocal Area NetworkFile Geodatabase Raster DatasetRasterPixel4869553015,00000015,00000081Upper LeftFALSELZ773pixel codesFGDBRTRUEGCS_South_American_1969SAD_1969_UTM_Zone_20STransverse Mercator0.999600-63.0000000.000000500000.00000010000000.000000row and columnmeters15,00000015,000000D_South_American_1969GRS_1967_Truncated6378160.000000298.250000SAD_1969_UTM_Zone_20S20110728 HAster_23N1_4_20069 {371A1AED-BC56-4EE7-A98F-5634511C475A}2011072811251900FALSE20110728112519002011072811251900CopyRaster "N:\10.1283\04_Originais\PARA IBAMA\Imagens_Satelite_ASTER\23N1_RGB3.tif" N:\10.1283\08_Geodatabase\BDG_Imagens_PACUERA.gdb\N1_RGB3 # # # NONE NONE #Microsoft Windows Vista Version 6.1 (Build 7600) ; ESRI ArcCatalog A brief narrative summary of the data set.REQUIRED: A summary of the intentions with which the data set was developed.REQUIRED: The name of an organization or individual that developed the data set.REQUIRED: The date when the data set is published or otherwise made available for release.N1_RGB3N1_RGB3Fgdb raster digital data\\tetradc02\Bases_Projetos_2$\10.1283\08_Geodatabase\BDG_Imagens_PACUERA.gdbREQUIRED: The basis on which the time period of content information is determined.REQUIRED: The year (and optionally month, or month and day) for which the data set corresponds to the ground.REQUIRED: The state of the data set.REQUIRED: The frequency with which changes and additions are made to the data set after the initial data set is completed.-64.711905-63.956464-8.864460-9.525342312088.109000394828.1090008946917.4350009019697.435000REQUIRED: Reference to a formally registered thesaurus or a similar authoritative source of theme keywords.REQUIRED: Common-use word or phrase used to describe the subject of the data set.REQUIRED: Restrictions and legal prerequisites for accessing the data set.REQUIRED: Restrictions and legal prerequisites for using the data set after access is granted.File Geodatabase Raster DatasetMicrosoft Windows Vista Version 6.1 (Build 7600) ; ESRI ArcCatalog Content Standards for Digital Geospatial MetadataFGDC-STD-001-1998local timehttp://www.esri.com/metadata/esriprof80.htmlESRI Metadata ProfileREQUIRED: The person responsible for the metadata information.REQUIRED: The organization responsible for the metadata information.REQUIRED: The mailing and/or physical address for the organization or individual.REQUIRED: The city of the address.REQUIRED: The state or province of the address.REQUIRED: The ZIP or other postal code of the address.REQUIRED: The telephone number by which individuals can speak to the organization or individual.20110728ISO 19115 Geographic Information - MetadataDIS_ESRI1.0datasetDownloadable Data002file://\\tetradc02\Bases_Projetos_2$\10.1283\08_Geodatabase\BDG_Imagens_PACUERA.gdbLocal Area NetworkFile Geodatabase Raster DatasetRasterPixel4852551615,00000015,00000081Upper LeftFALSELZ773pixel codesFGDBRTRUEGCS_South_American_1969SAD_1969_UTM_Zone_20STransverse Mercator0.999600-63.0000000.000000500000.00000010000000.000000row and columnmeters15,00000015,000000D_South_American_1969GRS_1967_Truncated6378160.000000298.250000SAD_1969_UTM_Zone_20S20110728 HAster_23N1_3_20069 {FF121B97-AC8A-44A5-A184-DE3FE7BD2E68}2011072811203000FALSE20110728112030002011072811203000CopyRaster "N:\10.1283\04_Originais\PARA IBAMA\Imagens_Satelite_ASTER\23N1_RGB1.tif" N:\10.1283\08_Geodatabase\BDG_Imagens_PACUERA.gdb\N1_RGB1 # # # NONE NONE #Microsoft Windows Vista Version 6.1 (Build 7600) ; ESRI ArcCatalog A brief narrative summary of the data set.REQUIRED: A summary of the intentions with which the data set was developed.REQUIRED: The name of an organization or individual that developed the data set.REQUIRED: The date when the data set is published or otherwise made available for release.N1_RGB1N1_RGB1Fgdb raster digital data\\tetradc02\Bases_Projetos_2$\10.1283\08_Geodatabase\BDG_Imagens_PACUERA.gdbREQUIRED: The basis on which the time period of content information is determined.REQUIRED: The year (and optionally month, or month and day) for which the data set corresponds to the ground.REQUIRED: The state of the data set.REQUIRED: The frequency with which changes and additions are made to the data set after the initial data set is completed.-64.894510-64.137338-8.611722-9.275304291887.819000374852.8190008974506.6250009047556.625000REQUIRED: Reference to a formally registered thesaurus or a similar authoritative source of theme keywords.REQUIRED: Common-use word or phrase used to describe the subject of the data set.REQUIRED: Restrictions and legal prerequisites for accessing the data set.REQUIRED: Restrictions and legal prerequisites for using the data set after access is granted.File Geodatabase Raster DatasetMicrosoft Windows Vista Version 6.1 (Build 7600) ; ESRI ArcCatalog Content Standards for Digital Geospatial MetadataFGDC-STD-001-1998local timehttp://www.esri.com/metadata/esriprof80.htmlESRI Metadata ProfileREQUIRED: The person responsible for the metadata information.REQUIRED: The organization responsible for the metadata information.REQUIRED: The mailing and/or physical address for the organization or individual.REQUIRED: The city of the address.REQUIRED: The state or province of the address.REQUIRED: The ZIP or other postal code of the address.REQUIRED: The telephone number by which individuals can speak to the organization or individual.20110728ISO 19115 Geographic Information - MetadataDIS_ESRI1.0datasetDownloadable Data002file://\\tetradc02\Bases_Projetos_2$\10.1283\08_Geodatabase\BDG_Imagens_PACUERA.gdbLocal Area NetworkFile Geodatabase Raster DatasetRasterPixel4870553115,00000015,00000081Upper LeftFALSELZ773pixel codesFGDBRTRUEGCS_South_American_1969SAD_1969_UTM_Zone_20STransverse Mercator0.999600-63.0000000.000000500000.00000010000000.000000row and columnmeters15,00000015,000000D_South_American_1969GRS_1967_Truncated6378160.000000298.250000SAD_1969_UTM_Zone_20S20110728 HAster_23N1_1_20069 {F703D6D3-2145-4A0A-9A52-428B849BD89F}2011072811231600FALSE20110728112316002011072811231600CopyRaster "N:\10.1283\04_Originais\PARA IBAMA\Imagens_Satelite_ASTER\23N1_RGB2.tif" N:\10.1283\08_Geodatabase\BDG_Imagens_PACUERA.gdb\N1_RGB2 # # # NONE NONE #Microsoft Windows Vista Version 6.1 (Build 7600) ; ESRI ArcCatalog A brief narrative summary of the data set.REQUIRED: A summary of the intentions with which the data set was developed.REQUIRED: The name of an organization or individual that developed the data set.REQUIRED: The date when the data set is published or otherwise made available for release.N1_RGB2N1_RGB2Fgdb raster digital data\\tetradc02\Bases_Projetos_2$\10.1283\08_Geodatabase\BDG_Imagens_PACUERA.gdbREQUIRED: The basis on which the time period of content information is determined.REQUIRED: The year (and optionally month, or month and day) for which the data set corresponds to the ground.REQUIRED: The state of the data set.REQUIRED: The frequency with which changes and additions are made to the data set after the initial data set is completed.-64.269985-63.588882-8.152830-8.802763360324.036000435129.0360009026899.2410009098584.241000REQUIRED: Reference to a formally registered thesaurus or a similar authoritative source of theme keywords.REQUIRED: Common-use word or phrase used to describe the subject of the data set.REQUIRED: Restrictions and legal prerequisites for accessing the data set.REQUIRED: Restrictions and legal prerequisites for using the data set after access is granted.File Geodatabase Raster DatasetMicrosoft Windows Vista Version 6.1 (Build 7600) ; ESRI ArcCatalog Content Standards for Digital Geospatial MetadataFGDC-STD-001-1998local timehttp://www.esri.com/metadata/esriprof80.htmlESRI Metadata ProfileREQUIRED: The person responsible for the metadata information.REQUIRED: The organization responsible for the metadata information.REQUIRED: The mailing and/or physical address for the organization or individual.REQUIRED: The city of the address.REQUIRED: The state or province of the address.REQUIRED: The ZIP or other postal code of the address.REQUIRED: The telephone number by which individuals can speak to the organization or individual.20110728ISO 19115 Geographic Information - MetadataDIS_ESRI1.0datasetDownloadable Data002file://\\tetradc02\Bases_Projetos_2$\10.1283\08_Geodatabase\BDG_Imagens_PACUERA.gdbLocal Area NetworkFile Geodatabase Raster DatasetRasterPixel4779498715,00000015,00000081Upper LeftFALSELZ773pixel codesFGDBRTRUEGCS_South_American_1969SAD_1969_UTM_Zone_20STransverse Mercator0.999600-63.0000000.000000500000.00000010000000.000000row and columnmeters15,00000015,000000D_South_American_1969GRS_1967_Truncated6378160.000000298.250000SAD_1969_UTM_Zone_20S20110728 GAster_23N1_2_20069 {A50482C3-E4C9-47D0-8952-6A310AC2A56B}2011072811272900FALSE20110728112729002011072811272900CopyRaster "N:\10.1283\04_Originais\PARA IBAMA\Imagens_Satelite_ASTER\23N1_RGB4.tif" N:\10.1283\08_Geodatabase\BDG_Imagens_PACUERA.gdb\N1_RGB4 # # # NONE NONE #Microsoft Windows Vista Version 6.1 (Build 7600) ; ESRI ArcCatalog A brief narrative summary of the data set.REQUIRED: A summary of the intentions with which the data set was developed.REQUIRED: The name of an organization or individual that developed the data set.REQUIRED: The date when the data set is published or otherwise made available for release.N1_RGB4N1_RGB4Fgdb raster digital data\\tetradc02\Bases_Projetos_2$\10.1283\08_Geodatabase\BDG_Imagens_PACUERA.gdbREQUIRED: The basis on which the time period of content information is determined.REQUIRED: The year (and optionally month, or month and day) for which the data set corresponds to the ground.REQUIRED: The state of the data set.REQUIRED: The frequency with which changes and additions are made to the data set after the initial data set is completed.-64.428757-63.672129-8.680594-9.343364343093.443000426058.4430008967112.0460009040162.046000REQUIRED: Reference to a formally registered thesaurus or a similar authoritative source of theme keywords.REQUIRED: Common-use word or phrase used to describe the subject of the data set.REQUIRED: Restrictions and legal prerequisites for accessing the data set.REQUIRED: Restrictions and legal prerequisites for using the data set after access is granted.File Geodatabase Raster DatasetMicrosoft Windows Vista Version 6.1 (Build 7600) ; ESRI ArcCatalog Content Standards for Digital Geospatial MetadataFGDC-STD-001-1998local timehttp://www.esri.com/metadata/esriprof80.htmlESRI Metadata ProfileREQUIRED: The person responsible for the metadata information.REQUIRED: The organization responsible for the metadata information.REQUIRED: The mailing and/or physical address for the organization or individual.REQUIRED: The city of the address.REQUIRED: The state or province of the address.REQUIRED: The ZIP or other postal code of the address.REQUIRED: The telephone number by which individuals can speak to the organization or individual.20110728ISO 19115 Geographic Information - MetadataDIS_ESRI1.0datasetDownloadable Data002file://\\tetradc02\Bases_Projetos_2$\10.1283\08_Geodatabase\BDG_Imagens_PACUERA.gdbLocal Area NetworkFile Geodatabase Raster DatasetRasterPixel4870553115,00000015,00000081Upper LeftFALSELZ773pixel codesFGDBRTRUEGCS_South_American_1969SAD_1969_UTM_Zone_20STransverse Mercator0.999600-63.0000000.000000500000.00000010000000.000000row and columnmeters15,00000015,000000D_South_American_1969GRS_1967_Truncated6378160.000000298.250000SAD_1969_UTM_Zone_20S20110728 QuickBird_Mosaico_20099 {4A6C6E1D-4944-4A93-BB2F-67D9941CC9C0}2011072814495400FALSE20110728144954002011072814495400CopyRaster N:\10.1283\05_Imagem\Mosaico_QuickBird_3m.tif N:\10.1283\08_Geodatabase\BDG_Imagens_PACUERA.gdb\Mosaico_QuickBird_3m # # # NONE NONE #Microsoft Windows XP Version 5.1 (Build 2600) Service Pack 3; ESRI ArcCatalog A brief narrative summary of the data set.REQUIRED: A summary of the intentions with which the data set was developed.REQUIRED: The name of an organization or individual that developed the data set.REQUIRED: The date when the data set is published or otherwise made available for release.Mosaico_QuickBird_3mMosaico_QuickBird_3mFgdb raster digital data\\tetradc02\Bases_Projetos_2$\10.1283\08_Geodatabase\BDG_Imagens_PACUERA.gdbREQUIRED: The basis on which the time period of content information is determined.REQUIRED: The year (and optionally month, or month and day) for which the data set corresponds to the ground.REQUIRED: The state of the data set.REQUIRED: The frequency with which changes and additions are made to the data set after the initial data set is completed.-64.735153-62.849890-7.973405-9.529140309537.548441516474.5484418946646.7565109118243.756510REQUIRED: Reference to a formally registered thesaurus or a similar authoritative source of theme keywords.REQUIRED: Common-use word or phrase used to describe the subject of the data set.REQUIRED: Restrictions and legal prerequisites for accessing the data set.REQUIRED: Restrictions and legal prerequisites for using the data set after access is granted.File Geodatabase Raster DatasetMicrosoft Windows XP Version 5.1 (Build 2600) Service Pack 3; ESRI ArcCatalog Content Standards for Digital Geospatial MetadataFGDC-STD-001-1998local timehttp://www.esri.com/metadata/esriprof80.htmlESRI Metadata ProfileREQUIRED: The person responsible for the metadata information.REQUIRED: The organization responsible for the metadata information.REQUIRED: The mailing and/or physical address for the organization or individual.REQUIRED: The city of the address.REQUIRED: The state or province of the address.REQUIRED: The ZIP or other postal code of the address.REQUIRED: The telephone number by which individuals can speak to the organization or individual.20110728ISO 19115 Geographic Information - MetadataDIS_ESRI1.0datasetDownloadable Data002file://\\tetradc02\Bases_Projetos_2$\10.1283\08_Geodatabase\BDG_Imagens_PACUERA.gdbLocal Area NetworkFile Geodatabase Raster DatasetRasterPixel57199689793,0000003,00000081Upper LeftFALSELZ773pixel codesFGDBRTRUEGCS_WGS_1984WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_20SUniversal Transverse Mercator-200.999600-63.0000000.000000500000.00000010000000.000000row and columnmeters3,0000003,000000D_WGS_1984WGS_19846378137.000000298.257224WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_20S20110728