Plan Title=R6_NATURAL_REGIME_TOFFALETI Program Version=4.10 Short Identifier=R6_NAT_EQ_TOF Simulation Date=01JAN2013,00:01,31DEC2112,23:59 Geom File=g01 Flow File=q02 Sediment File=s11 Subcritical Flow K Sum by GR= 0 Std Step Tol= 0.003 Critical Tol= 0.003 Num of Std Step Trials= 20 Max Error Tol= 0.1 Flow Tol Ratio= 0.001 Split Flow NTrial= 30 Split Flow Tol= 0.006 Split Flow Ratio= 0.02 Log Output Level= 0 Friction Slope Method= 1 Unsteady Friction Slope Method= 2 Unsteady Bridges Friction Slope Method= 1 Parabolic Critical Depth Global Vel Dist= 0 , 0 , 0 Global Log Level= 0 CheckData=True Encroach Param=-1 ,0,0, 0 BEGIN DESCRIPTION: CALCULO DO TRECHO TODO CONSIDERANDO EM REGIME A MONTANTE, UTILIZANDO O MÉTODO DE TOFFALETI END DESCRIPTION: Computation Interval=1HOUR Output Interval=1HOUR Run HTab= 0 Run UNet= 0 Run PostProcess= 0 Run WQNet= 0 UNET Theta= 1 UNET Theta Warmup= 1 UNET ZTol= 0.006 UNET ZSATol= 0.015 UNET QTol= UNET MxIter= 20 UNET MaxInSteps= 0 UNET DtIC= 0 UNET DtMin= 0 UNET MaxCRTS= 20 UNET WFStab= 2 UNET SFStab= 1 UNET WFX= 1 UNET SFX= 1 UNET DSS MLevel= 4 UNET DZMax Abort= 30 UNET Convert EG Bridges= 0 UNET Use Existing IB Tables=-1 UNET Froude Reduction=False UNET Froude Limit= 1 UNET Froude Power= 10 UNET Time Slicing=0,0, 5 UNET Junction Losses=0 Instantaneous Interval=1HOUR Write IC File= 0 IC Time=,, Write IC File Reoccurance= Write IC File at Sim End=0 Echo Input=False Echo Parameters=False Echo Output=False Write Detailed= 0 WQ AD Non Conservative WQ ULTIMATE=-1 WQ Max Comp Step=1HOUR WQ Output Interval=15MIN WQ Output Selected Increments= 0 WQ Output face flow=0 WQ Output face velocity=0 WQ Output face area=0 WQ Output face dispersion=0 WQ Output cell volume=0 WQ Output cell surface area=0 WQ Output cell continuity=0 WQ Output cumulative cell continuity=0 WQ Output face conc=0 WQ Output face dconc_dx=0 WQ Output face courant=0 WQ Output face peclet=0 WQ Output face adv mass=0 WQ Output face disp mass=0 WQ Output cell mass=0 WQ Output cell source sink temp=0 WQ Output cell source sink nsm=0 WQ Output MaxMinRange=-1 WQ Daily Max Min Mean=-1 WQ Daily Range=0 WQ Daily Time=0 WQ Create Restart=0 WQ Fixed Restart=0 WQ Restart Simtime= WQ Restart Date= WQ Restart Hour= WQ System Summary=0 WQ Use Fixed Temperature=0 WQ Fixed Temperature= Sorting and Armoring Iterations= 10 XS Update Threshold= 0.02 Hydraulics Update Threshold= 0.02 Energy Slope Method= 1 Volume Change Method= 0 XS Weighting Method= 0 Number of US Weighted Cross Sections= 1 Number of DS Weighted Cross Sections= 1 Upstream XS Weight=0.25 Main XS Weight=0.5 Downstream XS Weight=0.25 Number of DS XS's Weighted with US Boundary= 1 Upstream Boundary Weight= 1 Weight of XSs Associated with US Boundary= 0 Number of US XS's Weighted with DS Boundary= 1 Downstream Boundary Weight= 0.5 Weight of XSs Associated with DS Boundary= 0.5 Sediment Output Level= 4 Mass or Volume Output= 0 Output Increment Type= 1 Profile and TS Output Increment= 10 XS Output Flag= 0 XS Output Increment= 10 Disregard all LS=0 Disregard all Conn=0 Disregard all Breaches=0 Disregard all Pumps=0