Para:; Salvio Lerner Assunto: RES: SABESP data Pavel, I would like to talk about some topics you mentioned in your email: 1. The portuguese file Esp_cadtec_agua.doc describe the rules that was used to create the DWG files. As they contract the digitalization of their drawings before choosing the GIS program they did a very detailed digitalization to ensure the compatibity to all GIS solution. Some simbology in the CAD drawings are used just to explicty connectivity. The GIS symbology will the discuted later based on our possibilities. If you had any especific doubt in the symbology I may try to help you. 2. Another point that still unsolved in SABESP is the topological structure. Each GIS solution has a different way to deal with that. The important thing at this point is show that we alredy have a defined topological structure in our solution, present this structure to them and show that their existing drawings can fit in our solution. 3. Did you work with the consumer/clients data? In the Overlays directory they have one DWG files for each block in the study area with the position of each consumer. In the TAGs they have the RGI field that is the unique identification for each consumer. In CSI_comercial directory they have some files that was extracted from their mainframe with the infomartions about each client. I beleive that its important showing SABESP some funcionality based on their comercial data. If you have any comments or problems, please, fell free to contact us. Best regards, Marcos Rosa – 11 – 9114-9058 -----Original Message----- From: Pavel Polcar [] Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2001 3:29 AM To: 'Salvio Lerner' Cc: Stary Pavel, RNDr. Subject: RE: SABESP data Hi Salvio, I appologize for responding only now, I was on vacation. I tried to import the data from a few of the DWG files and, except for some minor problems, there seems to be no major obstacle. To bring the results to a presentable state would, however, require some work. The procedure used was: 1. Importing a DWG file into a DGN file using MicroStation DWG/DXF import. The attribute data is converted to tags. 2. Using our import tools to import the data from the DGN file to LIDS. The data from tags are converted to attribute values in the Oracle tables. Things to be solved/clarified: 1. The coordinates of the DWG files are in the range of around 330000 m in the x-coordinate and 7300000 m in the y-coordinate. A shift must be performed to be able to work in MS range (with meters as master units). I used a shift to a new origin at (-302000,7156000) to bring the coordinates to the range used in our example project. 2. The structure of our example project does not coincide with the structure of the DWG data so that I could only approximately map the symbols from the DWG files to our symbols. The same holds for the attributes. The ideal thing would be to set up a new project with the same structure as your data. This would take some time, of course, and we would need the complete description of the structure of both the graphical and the attribute data. There is a document, Esp_cadtec_agua.doc, which probably contains much of it, but although I understand spanish, I could not make out the meaning of all in portugese:-( 3. The connectivity seems to be very good and the node-edge relationships could be established without problems. There are, however, some points for discussion concerning the topological structure (i.e. which objects are to be considered nodes and the ensuing division of linear objects). I thing we can discuss it here during the training. 4. One of the files (33153970) caused some problems at import to DGN (error message was "Received MarComp Error(5) Error loading entities". A colleague of mine, who has Autocad installed, is investigating the cause. That's all for the time being, if there's anything else you would like to know, don't hesitate to ask. Regards, Pavel Polcar